Jul 12, 2023

Is your vacation FINALLY here? If you’re getting ready to hit the road with the family, but you’re a little bummed out because your pup keeps staring out you wondering where you’re going and you’re sad because you have to leave them behind…just me? I’m sure it isn’t just me, and that’s why this week we have some helpful tips that will upgrade your family vacation by being able to bring your furry best friend along for the ride! Yup, with just a few adjustments and some planning ahead, bring your pup along for the ride doesn’t have to be a nightmare! So if you’re interested in learning how to bring your pet along, check out our tips below!

Before you leave to make sure to pack:

Lead, Collar, Leash, and ID tag:

  • The last thing you want to happen is your dog to get away in a place he doesn’t know, but be prepared for the worst. Make sure you have everything you’ll need to keep your dog from escaping, and everything you’ll need in case they do.

Food, water, bowls:

  • Bring more than you think! The last thing you want to do on vacation is run to the grocery store to find dog food. Tell yourself the same thing you did when you overpacked clothes…YOU MIGHT NEED IT!

Blankets and baggies:

  • Bring blankets for bedding, and warmth. Bring waste disposable bags for parking lot rest-stops (You wouldn’t want to accidentally step in that, would you?).

Old washcloths:

  • For those pups that get down in the dirt, don’t stress about your car seats, just bring washcloths to clean off messy paws

Crates and restraints:

  • Some dogs love the car! They jump right in, stick their head out the window, and let their ears fly! But unfortunately, that’s not a good idea. Even if your dog is usually a happy traveler, it isn’t safe for them to roam freely throughout the car, in the case of an accident.

Break time is important:

  • You might down to take on a long drive little to no breaks but your dog isn’t. Plan on taking frequent stops like you would if you were traveling with a small child. Letting your dog out for potty breaks and to run around will burn off some pent-up energy, making you and your dogs ride my easier!

Check with the vet:

  • If this is your dogs first trip you might want to talk to your vet and see if there is any medication that can help with motion sickness and anxiety.