Jul 20, 2017


I learned how to drive on a tractor when I was quite small. Probably much smaller than was actually legal, BUT I lived on a pretty large farm in Duncansville, PA at the time, so the worst I was going to do was drive into a hay bale at maybe 10mph (not saying that makes it THAT MUCH better, but like a little better). Either way, I have always felt quite at home driving a stick shift vehicle. It felt more natural to me. Which is why it makes me sad to see that stick shift vehicles are so overlooked and consequently not super popular among my fellow drivers.

There are so many wonderful reasons why a stick shift is WAY better than automatic, if for no other reason, A BEAUTIFULLY toned left calf. But seriously, let’s take a minute to look at why the stick shift is boss.

1. Stick shifts improve fuel economy

I’m a penny pincher from way back, so I promise you, the savings friends, THE SAVINGS on gas you will have from switching to a stick shift vehicle is INSANE. According to the experts from Consumer Reports stick shifts can increase fuel efficiency by 5 mpg. Vehicles with stick shift accelerate faster than automatics, and because vehicles are most efficient in higher gears, the ability to accelerate and upshifting quickly is important to having better mileage.

2. Stick shifts save you more money

Replacing your transmission can be an expensive endeavor, BUT with a stick shift, the cost is reduced by almost half. Replacing the transmission on an automatic tends to run in the neighborhood of $3,000. But on a manual? Just $1,200 to $1,500.

3. Stick shifts make distracted driving harder

When driving a stick shift, do you know what I can’t do behind the wheel? Text or check my phone. Wanna know why? I only have 2 hands and both of them are needed for me to be able to drive my car. This doesn’t mean educating drivers about distracted driving isn’t important, it just means that in a stick shift car, your only option is to focus on the road.

4. Stick shifts are way more fun

I’m gonna be real, I feel pretty darn awesome driving stick! Like, it’s probably my number 1 reason. I have fun driving. I mean, come on. It feels like I’m driving a spaceship. All that other stuff I mentioned is really just icing on the cake.

So, if you want to step up your driving experience take a ride over to Fiore Volkswagen and check out our manual transmission options!