Jun 1, 2023

If you’re finding yourself running out of things to do during quarantine, don’t stress, we’ve got a great idea for! Before we were confined to our homes we lived pretty busy lives, and most of us could never find time to check off our to-do lists! Now that you’ve been home you might have checked off quite a few of those tasks! However, we tend to overlook our vehicles, especially since we’re barely using them right now. But if you’re like me, cleaning out your vehicle should move to the top of your list! Don’t worry, we’ve created a helpful list to help you organize and get rid of the items in your car! Take a peek below and check off your next task!

Toss The Old & Organize The New:

  • Take everything out of the car, including car seats, music, and miscellaneous items stored in the glove box and door pockets. 
  • Don’t forget the trunk and cargo area!
  • Organize the rest of the items into three piles: stuff you use all the time, things you use occasionally, and items you might need in an emergency. Whatever doesn’t fall into these categories should be stored in your home or garage. Or even tossed out! 

 For Real, It’s Time To Say Goodbye:

  • Ask yourself, “How do I use my car?”
  • Do you basically live out of your car? Maybe you’re a parent with two toddlers in car seats or a salesman who travels with a trunk load of samples. Whatever it is, figure it out.


  • Depending upon your needs, go through your three piles and prioritize the most important items in each group
  • And just like seasonal clothes in a closet, many items such as ice scrapers and emergency kits should be stored back into your vehicle 


  • Loose objects in the car lead to disorganization and mess. In the event of a sudden stop or a crash, they can also damage your car or, worse, injure your occupants. Get yourself a good organizer to keep all of your items concise and easy to access. 

Need help with other services for your VW? No problem! Your friends here are Fiore Volkswagen is here to help you check off your spring automotive maintenance to-do list! Just schedule a service appointment, and don’t forget to check out our service offers to score amazing offers now!