Jun 8, 2022

Many of you have road trips and weekend getaways planned, but before you pack up the car and hit the road it might be a good idea to take a peek inside and reorganize! Life moves fast and even if you don’t plan on turning your vehicle into your closet on wheels, sometimes that’s just how the cookie crumbles. But don’t stress, we’ve got some tips for getting your vehicle organized so you have room for all your summer accessories! Plus, with a clean vehicle, your travels will be much safer without things rolling all over the ground and back seats. So check out Fiore VW’s helpful tips below and be sure to schedule a service appointment before you leave so you can have peace of mind knowing your vehicle can get you there safely!

Fiore Volkswagen’s Tips For Cleaning The Junk Out Of Your Trunk: 


  • Take everything out of the car, including car seats, music, and miscellaneous items stored in the glovebox and door pockets. Don’t forget the trunk and cargo areas. It may be tedious but it’s always easier to reorganize when you’ve got a clean slate!

Prioritize The Items That You NEED

  • Emergency Items and kits should always be the first things you put back in your vehicle. While they may take up a bit of space, it is always better to be prepared and travel safely. You can then move on to figuring out which everyday items you may also need in your car!

Organizers Are Your Friend. 

  • Loose objects in the car lead to disorganization and mess. In the event of a sudden stop or a crash, they can also damage your car or, worse, injure your occupants. Get yourself a good organizer to keep all of your items concise and easy to access.