Jun 28, 2018


No matter how much or little time you spend behind the wheel, there is a very good chance you have experienced a form of road rage at one point in time. Whether you tend to lose your temper regularly or once in a while, road rage can lead to dangerous traffic situations. We want to ensure the safety of drivers each time they head out on the road. This week we are dedicating our blog to preventing road rage and tips that can help you stay calm behind the wheel.

Method 1: Staying calm when you experience road rage

  • When you recognize your rising anger, it is important to stay calm. Take a few deep breaths, try to clear your mind, and remember driving while angry can put yourself and others at a heightened risk. Listening to calming music can also help you stay calm and resist the urge to retaliate against other drivers. Keep your distance from the vehicle who may have cut you off or otherwise made a road error. Tailgating will increase your chances of an accident.

Method 2: Stay safe when other drivers are aggressive

  • In the event of an aggressive driver, stay calm. Do not let their actions affect your driving, keep your emotions in check, and allow them to pass by. Avoid making eye contact and when they do pass, drive defensively to ensure your own safety. Keep your eyes on the road, don’t tailgate, and stay a safe distance behind the car in front of you. Remember your priorities, it is important to get home to your family safely. Don’t entertain aggressive drivers.

Method 3: Preventing your own personal road rage

  • Before heading out, check your own mood. If you feel angry, give yourself a few moments to calm down – a short walk or deep breathing can help in these types of situations. Always drive when you are well rested to avoid agitation on the road. In many cases, road rage occurs when one driver is overly tired, late or even hungry. Give yourself a little extra time to get to your destination, stay well-rested, and keep a snack in your vehicle to keep hangry to a minimum.

We hope you find these methods useful and will begin using them in the future!