May 16, 2018

Hey you – I know your trunk is messy. No? Are you sure… there might be a mess back there that you don’t want to admit to but that is okay, your secret is safe with me. I have some tips for tackling that mess and how to avoid the mess creeping back into your life. Let’s go!

Number 1: Your trunk is meant for storage, it is not a closet or a garbage can. Remove all items from your trunk and decide whether you are keeping the items or it is time for them to be canned, trash canned that is. Don’t forget to recycle those items that are plastic! Remove everything, your trunk should be empty.

Number 2: So, your trunk is empty but is it clean? Give your trunk mat a good once, or twice, over with the vacuum. If your mat has mud or any stains use a cleaning solution or scrub it down with the proper carpet cleaning tools. Let your mat dry completely before adding your belongings back in.

Number 3: Organizers will work wonders. If you tend to carry items like car fluids, use a shower caddy to keep those bottles from rolling around your trunk and possibly opening up. You should designate a place for those items that you do plan to keep in the trunk. Also, secure items that have a tendency to roll around, this will reduce loud banging noises while you are driving and can cause damage to your vehicle if not secured.

Number 4: Make things easier for yourself, if your trunk is clean, clear, and organized, you will be able to use it more often for those big items you purchased or shopping trips. Plus, in the event of a flat tire, your spare will be easier to access if your trunk is organized and not a black hole of who knows what in there.


Number 5: Keep it out of the trunk, if your items don’t live in your car they should not be in there. Keep your trunk for items that you would need in case of an emergency. Keep things like your purse, plastic shopping bags, really anything with a handle should be kept up front with you. This will help prevent bags from tipping over and spilling your items all over the trunk. Use hooks that slip over your headrest to hold onto your bags!